FAQ: Adoption

How long will it take?

The process to get approved by the government of Canada took 4 months. Once our file goes to India, we expect to wait 2-3 years until we bring our child home. The process in India has changed, however, and it could be sooner than anticipated.

Will you get a boy or a girl?

We stated that we don’t have a preference. However, due to cultural ideals that sometimes undermine the value of girl children, it is highly likely that we will bring home a girl.

You keep saying ‘child’, not ‘baby’. What age will your child be?

For various reasons, our child will likely be 2-3 years old. We requested 0-3 years and are excited to find out how old our child will be.

Isn’t adoption expensive?

The short answer is, yes. However, we believe this is something God has called us to, and He will provide for us. Varun and I know that we were adopted by God and it cost Him everything. It’s true, adoption is costly, but so is love.

Through careful spending, saving our tax returns, cutting luxuries and ‘skipping’ birthdays, we have some of the money. We have also applied for grants. More than that, we have already been showered with help: an interest free loan, a monetary gift, baby clothes, a stroller, and much more! Friends and family are already heaping love upon our child.

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