Independence Day!


A little bit late but….Happy Independence Day to all of our Indian friends and family!

Happy America Day!

I’ve lost count of how many Fourth of July’s I’ve passed not in the USA. Living as an ex-pat sans children means that the Fourth of July is easy to miss. There are not fireworks, no day off and no kids to indoctrinate entertain with sparklers. Most of the time, I wish my fellow Americans in Canada a Happy Fourth of July and call home.

As I was walking to Kids Camp/Vacation Bible School this morning, I was thinking about the Fourth of July. Having failed so many times to observe it, I was thinking that maybe it’s time to admit defeat. I mean really, I didn’t even buy blueberries to eat with dessert tonight. It’s just strawberries–red. So that’s basically just a Canada Day Dessert.

After camp, we have a lunch for debriefing and feeding hungry volunteers. Because we have a team of families from Alabama to help with our camp, lunch was “southern BBQ” and strawberry & blueberry American flag cake. And the national anthem. As we stood to sing, I put my hand over my heart and belted out the familiar words. Memories of baseball games, school assemblies and Independence days came rushing forward. Many of my Church friends glanced over, eyebrows raised as they hadn’t known I’m American. In a swell of patriotism, we also sang “O Canada”. Among the Americans, I think I was alone in knowing the words.

And there I stood, singing allegiance and admiration to two countries I know and love. Both songs filled with me happy memories, joy at the freedom and justice I encounter and yes, even a bit of pride to be counted an American and Canadian.

For my American friends: How do you celebrate the Fourth? What does it mean to you to be American?

Happy Holi!

I think India wins for having the coolest holiday ever, Holi. Yesterday was Holi, the Spring festival of colours. On this day, Indians wear old clothes and throw colour at each other. For realz.

Don’t believe me? Check out this click from the movie, Outsourced.

(I love this:

Todd: I used to play baseball in college.

Friend: Like cricket, huh? But very boring. )

I asked Varun how he remembers celebrating Holi, and he told me that they would fill up water guns and water balloons with colours and throw them at people. He said it was the one day a year where kids could beat up on adults and not get in trouble.

Can we agree that this looks like so much fun?!

Next time we visit India, I want to go in time to celebrate Holi!

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