Very Important Post

If you are subscribed to this blog, via wordpress or email, you need to come back to Eslmarriage tomorrow and resubscribe!!!

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In Between

Howdy, friends. It’s been an exciting week, no? Well, I’m pleased to inform you that things have yet to calm down around here. Tomorrow my blog will switch over to, and I’ll reveal a new theme/look which I’m super excited about!!! I’ll be sending out an email telling you how to resubscribe so we don’t lose touch–stay tuned for that.

For now, let’s pretend that I have midterms next week, am in Vancouver for a wedding this week and for some reason chose October 27th as the day by which WordPress would switch my blog over. Yerrrp. Low expectations, ok?

(Awesome poem and illustration courtesy of Dallas Clayton)

Big Announcement…

We’re excited to announce that we are adopting a child from India!

We’re gonna have a child!!!!!! WOO!!


Let’s start from the beginning. When Varun and I were dating, we talked about kids–how many we wanted, when we should have them, etc. I shared with Varun that I felt called to adopt; several close friends of mine had been adopted, as were two of my darling cousins. As such, it has always seemed a natural and loving way to build a family.

Over the years, God has brought various families into our life who have shared their journeys in adopting children with us. Last year, we began reading and thinking about adoption. After Varun read Adopted for Life, we knew adoption would be a way that we grew our family.
We thought about it carefully, prayed, did research, talked with adoptive families and chatted with our own families. Finally, we decided in June 2012 to begin growing our family by adopting a child from India. We are adding to our family through adoption before we consider adding to our family biologically. (There’s lots of practical and ideological conversations to have about this, so I’ll probably add to my new FAQ page later.)

This week, we got our approval from the Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services! This is a huge milestone and means that our file can go to India and the waiting game can begin.

Despite the piles of paperwork, the home study, the government mandated parenting classes…it all still feels a bit surreal. It will likely be over 2 years (if not 3!!) before we bring our child home. (Here’s our timeline…) In the mean time, we are lovingly preparing a home for the special little one that will join our family.

(Believe it or not, we decided this in June and I didn’t blog about it for four months! Let’s be honest, I started a word doc and blogged Creed style. Anyway.)

(Not to worry, we won’t actually put chai in the baby’s bottle. At least not caffeinated…)

Special thanks to Shelly Spithoff for the amazing photos! We had so much fun taking them and they turned out beautifully! Stop by her website to get a peek at her awesome work.

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